Agasunset was busy getting ready stocking up designs for the art show. This necklace with the lovely crystals is a gift for her friend Lara.

Katherinne tatted the Eight-Inch Doily from "Easy Tatting" by Ruth Perry using Lizbeth 20 "Black" and LadyShuttleMaker's "Shades of Gray". The edge of the doily can be used for a mat as well as a snowflake. These variations are in Lizbeth Black, Denim Whisper, and Country Turquoise.

Diane made the Queen of Hearts from Tatting with Visual Patterns by Mary Konior in variegated thread, but Stacy prefers a solid color for her ring bearer's pillow so she'll be using the top right heart. The heart on the bottom is from Tatting by Cathy Bryant, but it's too big for the corners and not open enough for the middle.
Heather's new book "Tatted Ladies in my Life" is now ready. There's a real bevy of beauties to be tatted.
M tatted these hearts, but she's decided that she doesn't like them. However having seen IsDihara's version she's decided to try it again in different colours.
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