Heather is back to shuttle tatting! She had been using her needles for so long that she has to get her stitches smooth again, but she said it was no trouble picking it back up. Go Heather!
Kathy N. has posted a picture of her lovely stocking covered in tatting. I am sooo jealous, Kathy. I also appreciate the kind words of encouragement to the update team. Thank you.
Shirley has tatted a cute gray cat, a pretty angel, a snowflake and a turtle that is small enough for earrings. She has been busy, I think!

Tattingchic is sharing pictures with us of her lovely angel that she tatted 15 years ago and starched. She is still absolutely perfect. It is important to Tattingchic that angels have faces and she certainly picked a lovely one for this angel. She is made from 3 doilies tatted from the same pattern but modified to fit.

Eva has tatted a beautiful angel in a purple robe. Very pretty Eva.
Claudia has tatted a Christmas tree from Ellen Lai's pattern. This is motif #11 for her.
B.J. has posted a picture of her Secret Santa exchange. It sounds like a fun thing in which to participate.
Connie has pictures of things received and things sent. They are all very pretty. She has a new shuttle and is putting it to good use.

Joy tatted Jon's Quantiesque snowflake at 4:30 A.M. Christmas morning. Glad she found something to keep her busy!
Ancolie has a lovely new logo designed by Marianne. She has also tatted a very pretty multicolored doily.

Carol is sharing pictures of the exchanges she has recently been involved in.
Gina has some really neat pictures to share. Some tatting - some not. Have a look.
Laura has tatted her 3rd snowflake using Jon's Quantiesque pattern.
Marilee has gifted us with a cute little bell pattern. Thank you Marilee. She also received a lovely bag from Sherry P.
Marty has tatted three more beautiful ornaments. Way to go!
Pamela has pictures of her lovely, silver tatting tree. So Pretty!
Riet has posted lots of pretty pictures, starting with two of Jon's snowflakes and a cute little hedgehog. Then there are oval pictures frames and two bags with one snowflake on each of them.
Sapna has tatted a lovely "Lady of the House" in Marilee's Tourmaline thread. She also has two new wooden shuttles, some plastic shuttles and some beautiful new hand dyed threads.
Sharon has tatted a beautiful square motif.
Sherry is working on her T.A.T. master's program and is almost finished. She has given us a wonderful bookmark pattern that she has created and is making into a chatelaine.