All of
Wally's motives for the challenge are designs she has created. Today she posts a heart motif that uses block tatting. She needs to tweak the design a little to give it a more distinctive heart shape. Mark won't be updating his blog for a while as he enjoys the fall colours with his family, but he assures us he'll still be tatting.
Barbara remarks that she's running out of the variegated lilac thread for the pashmina. She has the Tatting with Anne Orr, medallion No. 31 half done and she has switched to using Ecru thread for a second shawl. For this one, she chose Design No 13 from A Japanese book (101 Tatting D
esigns), made with DMC Cordonnet Ecru No. 40.
Sharon has begun a designing primer for people who want to see the process she goes through in creating new patterns.
EeKoon has worked the Flowery Meadow pattern from the Blomqvist and Persson book and had some difficulti

es with it. Has anyone else managed to complete this pattern? I recall someone stating that it was not workable and that the design is shown incomplete in the book because it can't be done.
Marilee has added 2 more necklaces to her blog and she shares the pattern for this latest design. It is interesting the difference subtle changes can make in a design. Look at the difference in these 2 bookmarks.
Laura joins the challenge and has posted several bookmarks that she has completed including LaRae Mikulecky's "Celtic Bookmark" worked in both size 20 Cebelia and size 80 tatting cotton.
It's interesting to see the difference between the size 20 and size 80 thread. Size 80 is SO fine (to me), but the resulting bookmark is thin enough to actually use in a book. Nice work!
Excellent work from everyone! So many motifs and variations!!!
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