That's 365 patterns folks, so we need everyone to do their part. Some of the designs will be from vintage publications which have passed into public domain, but if there are going to be any modern pieces it will have to come from those of us who design. Ruth has created a blog just to keep track of all of these patterns and the link is here:

This is an excerpt from the e-mail Ruth sent to the tatting lists:
"I will be adding the patterns to a PDF file that will be made available to all tatting guilds for no charge to do with as they choose. It will be available to use as a fund raiser, to give away, or just for fun.
Everyone is invited to submit patterns that can easily be shared on one page 8.5 x 11, or a progressive series that build for up to 7 days with a little being added every day for a week. Email me privately to volunteer to share a pattern, manage a week, or a month of this project. I'll put together a schedule and see to it that the patterns get added to the PDF file.
The patterns must be available as public domain or shared with the designer's permission. Patterns easy enough for all levels as well as intermediate and advanced patterns are alright, but beginner patterns should probably be the majority of the designs."
Mark took lots of pictures on his Christmas travels and he's sharing them with us. Ice sculptures and Aquarium life, talk about opposite ends of the spectrum.

Carol has finished her Peppermint Paddy design and he's just so cute I could eat him. (Pun intended.)

Dawn has done Ruth's Celtic cross again, this time with beads. She has also done a horse's head key chain fob. Both of them are lovely.
Charlene has posted a beaded ring and chain edging in a pretty variegated Finca thread.

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