Ruth recently taught hanging clunies to the on-line tatting class. She has listed a number of patterns that use this technique and shows us a snowflake and a beaded feather.

Lynda is back to working on her Christmons and shows us her latest additions, a Star, a Candle, and a Stacked Heart. The star is a Teri Dusenbury pattern, the Candle is by Nancy Tracy and the Heart is by Betsy Evens. Aren't they wonderful?

Jon has done 2 variations of the daisy picot heart and both of them are different from the one done by Ruth.

Riet also did a daisy picot heart and her design is different again. Look at the amazing variations!

Elizabeth launches into the challenge with a modification of a pattern which she thinks is from the summer of 1993 "Treasures in Needlework" magazine. The addition of beads and a change of stitch count made a lovely necklace and it doesn't look anything like a bib.

Laura was asked to identify a piece of lace. Is it machine made? Chemical lace? Needle lace? She has also taken another picture of the cross back lighted so that we could see the lovely colours in it.

LaRae has done another of the motives from "Tatting Patterns and Designs" by Blomqvist and Persson, but this time it was done in metallic gold. The other motif she has posted is from Patti Duff's Mini Tats.

Mary has finished her winter cleaning and cleared the deck to get started on the challenge. Her first entry is a heart motif she designed by accident. I wish all of my accidents looked like this.
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