Agasunset has a whole slew of shamrocks and green triangles for the local Celtic store. It's time for wearing of the green. In honour of Alice in Wonderland she has a white queen necklace.

Jeanie used one of the petals of the Pretty Petal Doily from Traditional Tatting Patterns book by Rita Weiss using size 80 DMC tatting thread to make this Easter Egg. It makes a very effective egg shape.
Carol received a prize in Katherinne's giveaway, some "Fire" HDT sent in a spectacular origami card and she has used it for a flower motif and a "Hope" butterfly.
Fox used her own HDT to tat a second Myra Piper motif and this one was made with the chain attached in the right place so that it blocks out nicely. The flowers are done with the lighter dyed version, along with a King Tut quilting thread her sister sent last year, in a purple, lilac and yellow, variegated fibre. Sadly her needle bit the dust while she was using it at Timmy's and it's true these things always happen when we're away from home and don't have access to replacement equipment. She has also tatted another of Sherry's treble clefs in in Yarnplayer's 'Corsage'. The colour of this thread just jumps off the page it's so vibrant.

Kathy used a section of a 'Grapevine' edging from Monica Hahn's book, "Christmas Angels and Other Tatting Patterns" tatted in green to form a shamrock. The resultant project was mounted in a ceramic Celtic frame for display.

Kelly tatted this pattern by Nina Libin and was intimidated by the number of beads required. Nina likes little lace with her beads, but her designs are fabulous. After tatting up a test sample, Kelly decided to make a bracelet and that went so well she made a necklace to go along with it, 550 beads in the necklace and 238 in the bracelet.

M tatted an Edging by Jon Yusoff in Lizbeth 40, col 632, purple medium col 633, purple dark.
Wally's Mom found a lucky penny minted in the year she was born and asked Wally to make a frame for it. wally found a motif in the DMC Book of Charted Tatting Designs with tiny mignonette rings in the centre. The mignonette is covered up by the penny, but it's still a pretty design and it will look lovely framed.

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