Vanessa tatted this flutterby from Rebecca Jones' book The Complete book of tatting which looks a little fatter partly due to the fact that it has eaten more than the flutterby in the book and partly because it has been 'blocked' differently.

IsDihara has created a motif that is a study in negative space using Lizbeth size 20 cotton thread in the color Mocha Brown Medium. It measures seven (7) inches across. It isn't quite what the lesson called for, but it sure is pretty.
Jeanne is going to give away a hand made shuttle that she doesn't feel comfortable using to a random commenter to her post.
Aileen has done what she thinks is her first satisfactory mushroom design.

Anne wants us to say hello to her new dragon, a Chinese dragon. The pattern will be available as soon as she has added the photos needed.
Jeff is test-tatting for Linda Davies. This is the Daffodil with a couple of photos of the finished pieces. 

Maria is on her 3rd set of 25 motifs. She tatted this motif designed by Eliz Davis, then a design from free patterns on the web that she adapted and added beads to for a quilt. The latest is a butterfly of her own design. 

TattingChic has posted a sneak peak of some pink tatting. 

IsDihara has created a motif that is a study in negative space using Lizbeth size 20 cotton thread in the color Mocha Brown Medium. It measures seven (7) inches across. It isn't quite what the lesson called for, but it sure is pretty.

Anne wants us to say hello to her new dragon, a Chinese dragon. The pattern will be available as soon as she has added the photos needed.

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