Administration Note 1: It isn't possible for me, or the other folks to keep track of how many motifs you have tatted. So you can really help us out if you let us know when you have completed your 25 motifs. Some folks finish 25 and have so much fun with it that they do another 25, so you will see in the side bar some names listed - done-1. These are people who have done 1 set of 25 and are working on more. If you finish 25 and plan to keep at it, please let us know.
Administration Note 2: Don't forget to visit the individual blogs and make comments when you have the tme. What you see here is just a part of what is on the blogs, and people like to know that you have taken time to visit and make your thoughts known. (Always remember what your grandmother used to say,"if you can't say something nice, don't say anything".)
Heather has decided to join the fun of the 25 Motif Challenge. Like many of us she can't seem to work on a pattern without giving it her own unique twist. Check out her blog to see her earlier entries and her book "Tat-A-Minis. Her latest projects are a tatted lady in black and white holding red flowers made with a size 5 tatting needle, a snowflake done in lavender thread and an ornament design done with a 5 needle and pink and white size 10 thread. 

Alan likes to tat a lot of crosses but this is the first time he has designed one. It's a simple and effective design.
Jeanne has posted her second attempt at a motif with clunies, #11 for the 25 motif challenge. BJ commented that the mistake on the first one looked like a bunny hopping, so Jeanne changed the stitch arrangement in the small rings to create ears and left out the picots on the tail ring and the large body ring. It almost looks right, but Jeanne wants to tweak it a little.
Tara has tatted Jane Eborall's pattern "Pamela's Gecko" which she thought was cute. This is her 14th motif.
Nita has tatted a bouquet of three variegated pink Stargazer Lilies designed by Linda Davies using #20 Flora thread. She added hand made stamens, and designed the leaves herself.

Ellen's latest tatting project is a doily for an exchange. She couldn't resist doing something from Iris Niebach's books and she's wondering if her tension is tight because the doily is just shy of the 5-inch requirement. She added her own outer round to Iris' design, and here's a peak at it.
Bonnie has made 3 snowflakes from Jon's Snowflake Collection. Sunburst, made from Marilee's, size 50 "Snowflake" HDT. The Twirly, made from Marilee's, size 30 "Peace" HDT and Aladdian, made from Sherry's size 20 "Spring Poppy" HDT

Tami is working on the Beaded Tea Candle Holder by Sabina Carden-Madden. She has a little boo boo in it that she needs to fix.
Sylvia's first attempt at a gold medal is two half done hankie edgings finished.
Elizabeth's final motif is based on the "Yorkie Dimple". Obviously, when you first look at a dimpled ring, it looks like a heart. So she just added a few picots, Swarovski crystals, and voila, it looks like a little heart with wings for adorable earrings
Terry began some snowflakes to do during the Olympics. The first is by Jan Stawasz that she figured out from his picture. It has tiny almost pink beads. After Snowflake #2 she plans to tackle some UFO's and maybe the bookmark bobsled after that. Her next entry in the Snowflake division is by Claire (lostinthread) using Swarovski crystals.

Joy is tatting 20 ornaments during the 16 days of the Olympics and so far she's on schedule. We have to wait for the closing ceremonies to see the pictures.
Laura received a lovely packet of purple treasures from Diane on her visit. She is still looking for the origins of the pretty little snowflake There is a similar flake in one of Lyn Morton's books. Does anyone have more of Lyn's books to see if there is an exact match somewhere?
Martha's Maltese Teapot is done in size 100 thread. Don't sneeze or you'll blow it away.
Marty's back from Alaska and getting ready to travel again so she just had time to post pictures of the Christmas in July treasures given and received.
Pamela has just finished Cornelia and it's beautiful.
Sherry has more "Sue Hanson" HDT ready.

Alan likes to tat a lot of crosses but this is the first time he has designed one. It's a simple and effective design.

Jeanne has posted her second attempt at a motif with clunies, #11 for the 25 motif challenge. BJ commented that the mistake on the first one looked like a bunny hopping, so Jeanne changed the stitch arrangement in the small rings to create ears and left out the picots on the tail ring and the large body ring. It almost looks right, but Jeanne wants to tweak it a little.

Tara has tatted Jane Eborall's pattern "Pamela's Gecko" which she thought was cute. This is her 14th motif.

Nita has tatted a bouquet of three variegated pink Stargazer Lilies designed by Linda Davies using #20 Flora thread. She added hand made stamens, and designed the leaves herself.

Ellen's latest tatting project is a doily for an exchange. She couldn't resist doing something from Iris Niebach's books and she's wondering if her tension is tight because the doily is just shy of the 5-inch requirement. She added her own outer round to Iris' design, and here's a peak at it.

Bonnie has made 3 snowflakes from Jon's Snowflake Collection. Sunburst, made from Marilee's, size 50 "Snowflake" HDT. The Twirly, made from Marilee's, size 30 "Peace" HDT and Aladdian, made from Sherry's size 20 "Spring Poppy" HDT
Tami is working on the Beaded Tea Candle Holder by Sabina Carden-Madden. She has a little boo boo in it that she needs to fix.

Sylvia's first attempt at a gold medal is two half done hankie edgings finished.

Elizabeth's final motif is based on the "Yorkie Dimple". Obviously, when you first look at a dimpled ring, it looks like a heart. So she just added a few picots, Swarovski crystals, and voila, it looks like a little heart with wings for adorable earrings

Terry began some snowflakes to do during the Olympics. The first is by Jan Stawasz that she figured out from his picture. It has tiny almost pink beads. After Snowflake #2 she plans to tackle some UFO's and maybe the bookmark bobsled after that. Her next entry in the Snowflake division is by Claire (lostinthread) using Swarovski crystals.

Joy is tatting 20 ornaments during the 16 days of the Olympics and so far she's on schedule. We have to wait for the closing ceremonies to see the pictures.
Laura received a lovely packet of purple treasures from Diane on her visit. She is still looking for the origins of the pretty little snowflake There is a similar flake in one of Lyn Morton's books. Does anyone have more of Lyn's books to see if there is an exact match somewhere?
Martha's Maltese Teapot is done in size 100 thread. Don't sneeze or you'll blow it away.
Marty's back from Alaska and getting ready to travel again so she just had time to post pictures of the Christmas in July treasures given and received.
Pamela has just finished Cornelia and it's beautiful.
Sherry has more "Sue Hanson" HDT ready.
Dear Sharon,
I was going to post my newest works, because my little son is an angel, really. After the evening bathing-feeding-lulling usually I have time to tat. So, please, please, don't remove my link! Thank you!
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