Eva has tatted up to day 4 of the TIAS challenge in turkish thread size 50 in variegated thread seen here with her paua shuttles.
Lynda has been a very busy tatter, but as she was test tatting some things for friends for publication she can't show them here. Her Christmas tatted ornaments were a hit and she has taught the daughter of a neighbor how to tat and while visiting Bina she got into playing with clay. Lots of things going on including some cataract surgery at the end of the month. We'll be remembering to pray for you.
Wendy is wondering what she should do with her daughter's cut hair. The last time she used it to make hair for a doll. This time she's wondering if she should do something with it or throw it out. She has found English instructions for Kanzashi and she shows how she does English paper piecing.
Connie did Jon's Heart Snowflake again, this time she did every other ring the same colour as the chain so the hearts stand out better.The thread is Rubi Thread Colors 1242 pale yellow and 9172 variegated violet/blue. Using the same colours she did Bob's motif but it didn't turn out with the pretty shape his has.
Iris' family have had the flu and she's had sick grandchildren to care for so she posted a picture of the Palmetto doily with lots of techniques to practice. A couple of years ago she did a class in Denmark and the ladies tatted her Delia doily in a plethora of colours. All the same, and all so different. Iris designed a doily for a Danish magazine, but as it was similar to a doily donated to the Danish tatting ring they preferred another doily. Both of these are one round doilies.

Mrs John shows what to do with a bookmark when you're too young to read - you wear it. My kind of girl! Like us, Mrs John has discovered that it is easy to get ripped off when buying tatting books.
Shay was doodling with her shuttles and produced a traditional style edging which she plans to mirror image so that she can make a bookmark out of it. She has shared the pattern for it on her blog.
Jeff tatted Mimi's kite pattern in Flora size 20 thread, colour number 55 which gave him great practice doing clunies.
C4G has given a direct link for the video that wasn't working.
Bonnie has just started tatting and shares a lovely cross made by her great uncle Francis, who inspired her to learn to tat.
Mary has made some awesome greeting cards.
Diane's broken arm is forcing her to actually READ the instructions in her tatting books. Reading instructions, what a novel idea! Let me see, now what was your occupation again…librarian wasn't it. Just kidding Diane, we all do the, jump right in and tat thing, I think it has something to do with wanting to be tatting and seeing the lace fall from our fingers.
Joyce tatted these sweet but simple earrings in size 12 perle cotton.
Mark was doing the TIAS challenge and was on auto pilot tatting so he needed to retro tat and fix a small error.
I was thinking if a tatter wanted to do an art show, what kinds of things would they tat? What do you think belongs in an art show for tatting? This tatted bit is incomplete. Can you guess what it's trying to be?
Marilee has split a 6 cord thread so that we can see all 6 plies. 3 pairs of strands twisted in one direction then all 6 twisted in the opposite direction. Ooooo look another book in the making. You know what nearly made tatting die out? Lack of new and innovative patterns. Thanks to the internet tatting has been FOUND.

Well I didn't see that coming.
Laura has done the unexpected and placed the variegated Rhubarb Crisp thread at either end of the doily and the pale yellow along the sides. Then she had the misfortune to be in too much pain to tat, so we'll have to wait to see where she goes from here.
Melissa is working on some quilt blocks and a tutorial on beginning to make a CQ block.
Sherry used one of Jane's designs for the TAT program and tatted it in size 20 Rubi thread. Things have overwhelming recently so the news that they won't be moving quite so soon has given Sherry a little more breathing room. Spring Poppies is the sunshine-y colour blend she has created named for the flowers that inspired the colour.
Wally tatted this little doily in Altin Basak #10 in a variegated pink color and has plans to do a mate for it and then another larger doily. If you don't like the colour Wally, you can send it here. I'll be happy to find a home for it.
Martha's MIL gave them a camera for Christmas and she's been trying it out. The tatted nativity set designed by Ineke Kuperij was tatted in size 80 thread. It's just simply gorgeous.

Sharon, I just wanted to thank you for doing this. It's such an easy way for me to keep up with much of the tatting going on, even though not all tatters are on the 25 motif challenge, I get lots of good viewing and reading from just this site.
:-) Gina
There are a lot of people not in the challenge that check things out regularly and it's one of the reasons I try to keep it up to date. Aren't the laces wonderful? We are blessed with many wonderful designers and talented people.
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