Wendy is working on a crocheted baby bonnet and wondering if anyone would like the pattern.
Connie did Mary's Pocket Angel in variegated Rubi thread.

C4G has discovered the antique pattern library and the wealth of information contained in it.
Diane isn't able to join in the TIAS challenge, but her friend Laura is doing the tatting for her to keep her in the loop. In the midst of a cold winter Diane is browsing through Pat Stevens book "Fantasy Flowers" dreaming of a house filled with vases of tatted blossoms.
Pamela has caught up in the TIAS challenge and she's eagerly awaiting the next installment to see if she has guessed the identity of the mystery object.

I participated in a round robin in 2001 and this is a picture of the hearts I received which have been sewn onto a shirt. If you are interested in participating in a round robin email me before January 28, 2008.

Melissa is continuing to work on CQ blocks and she's added the second tutorial on creating a CQ block.
Sherry was doing a terrific job on this motif from "Tatting Patterns and Designs" by Gun Blomqvist and Elwy Persson and then she ran out of thread not once but twice and the second time was near the end of the motif. That was when she noticed a mistake about half way through it. The colour is her own bright and cheerful Spring Poppies.

1 comment:
Hi, I'd like to be added to the 25 Motifs Tatting group!
My most recent tatting post with my first 3 completed items is here: http://www.mortaine.com/blog/2008/01/18/more-tatting/
To spare you from having to read everything in my blog (I blog about many things), just check the tatting-related posts here:
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