Tattips joins the challenge with "HOPE" by Mary Konior, from her book "Tatting with Visual Patterns" tatted in Lizbeth size 20, Tutti Fruti. A motif pattern from "Tatting Patterns and Design" by Gun Blomqvist, Elwy Persson was adapted to get a small doily. See how cleverly she worked the outer rows first and then finished off with the inner row so that she didn't have to tat individual motifs?. The bookmarks are a pattern from Teri Dusenbury's site called the Dandelion bookmark tatted in Red Rose thread in size 20. 

NancyD found an edging she liked and tatted it attaching as she went, so when she was done tatting, she was done attaching too. The thread is Lizbeth size 20 which is fine on a hanky with a thicker fabric, but might be a little heavy for a gossamer thin fabric.
Isabel has been experimenting with twisted picots and she has has created a video showing how it's done.
Ann tatted Mary Konior's Queen of Hearts from "Tatting with Visual Patterns" in Lizbeth size 20 thread colour 147. She was so in the zone tatting that she missed a couple of joins and had to retro tat, which was when she discovered that a size 24 tapestry needle works really well for getting under the stitches and opening them up.
Liz has tatted Anne's TARDIS bookmark for her daughter who is a fan of Dr Who. She made Jon's Enchanter heart in Lizbeth thread, which gave her an opportunity to tat her first dimpled ring. 
Fox uses her white lampshade as a showcase for her tatting and she shows us all the lovely pieces she has done recently.
Mica tatted the Fourteenth day of December from 24 Snowflakes in Tatting and it's motif no. 24 in my 25 motif challenge. It's made with 1 strand of DMC metallic floss.
Linda has made several Valentine's Day cards for people and included some wonderful tatted hearts. 

Diane finished the second round of Hostess Set Centerpiece from Tatting Patterns by Mary Konior. She's working in Parlak Oren Bayan Dantel Ipligi, sizd 50, color #066 and she was thrilled that her new silver shuttle from Sherry, LadyShuttleMaker, arrived in the mail just in time to tat it. Round 3 of the design was extremely easy and the next round looks like it will be just as simple.
Marty received her Valentine's exchange in the mail and was delighted to see that Karey Solomon not only tatted a heart for her in a delicate dusty rose, but also included the pattern for the Y-Knot Heart.

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