Ann has finished her TIAS and noticed that although it was challenging as a whole, the little bite sized pieces enabled her to tackle it a little at a time and complete a pattern that she would have otherwise shied away from.
Wanda tatted one of the hearts from Teri Dusebury's book Tatting Hearts. She repeated a small section of the heart design and attached it to a shirt. Just one of the many uses of a motif.

Carol was delighted to see that the TIAS turned out to be a rooster. After he was completed she did another in different colours to go with a fall display for her dining room table. He fits right in with the scarecrow and pumpkin she tatted, but she's not sure if she'll leave him on the table runner or frame him in the picture she did to showcase him. 

Marty's niece has to wear an eye patch, but that's OK when Aunt Marty can tat such a scary eyeball for it. When you're 8 being able to scare the boys is FUN. Made with Lizbeth size 40 using a centre rose and some modified block tatting and long picots for eyelashes, it's just a perfect size and perfect effect on the yellow eye patch. 

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