BSOTF tatted baby shower charm bracelets with DMC pink & blue & white JP Coats for the chain.
LadyDoc rejoins the challenge with this little motif which is #2 from "Minitats- 69 petite motifs" by Patti Duff.
Magda's friend bought a sweater in a beautiful coral color but it was too big in the shoulders. So she asked Magda to do a lace insertions to pull it into shape. Here it is done in Aida size 20.
Orsi has the front and back shoulder part of her red suit done. It was 42 hours of work and it still isn't finished, but she had to show it. I'd be showing it too, it's amazing.
Sue is teaching Bethany to tat and so far it's looking good. At the same time she started a scrunchie using a pattern from Helping Hands Newsletter from Handy Hands Vol.12 Issue 2 Spring/Summer 2004. It's called Curved Hankie Edging. It's made with Lady ShuttleMaker's HDT Tulips size 20.

Agasunset tatted herself a colorful applique for her tank top using a triangle pattern from "Aunt Ellen's tatting handbook" joined with small squares of her own design. Using the same thread she made yet another Flower by Fox. She threaded the plate of the ring through the middle of the flower and then glued on sparkly crystal bead to keep it in place so that she didn't have to put glue directly on the lace.She made several of these and then she made some bobby pins the same way and put them in her shop and they're already gone.

Steph went on vacation and immediately had car trouble, which kind of spoiled the festive mood. She did however find a lovely oval tatted doily with crochet between the rounds.
Fox dove into one of Iris' books and grabbed up some variegated Altin Basak from The Thread Exchange with Is'Dihara size #30 and I paired it with the #40 Lisbeth turquoise that she has been longing to use. The effect wasn't what she had hoped it would be and if she was to do it again she would use 2 solids.
Martha received some thread from Fox's thread exchange and she scouted around for just the right pattern. 12 yards of Lady Shuttle Maker's size 50 Pear Glace' HDT, using a two shuttle insertion pattern in the book Tatting by Cathy Bryant, made this bookmark with only a few inches of thread to spare.
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