Vicki decided to take a break from her Doily and make this cross for her mom. She plans on framing it and giving it to her. The pattern is the Cross Bookmark from Sharon Albers.
Wanda is due congratulations on the birth of her second grandson!
Claudia has tatted motifs 12, 13 and 14 for the challenge. She was inspired by Teri Dusenbury. Also, she has tatted a long chain with lots of picots that she saw on the internet but doesn't remember to whom it belongs. Can you help?

Shirley has been working on cluny leaves. She is satisfied with how the leaves turned out, but can't seem to join them to the tatting. (Her fingers hurt like mine.) The cross is a pattern she has had for a long time but doesn't remember to whom it belongs. She will gladly give credit if someone can identify it.

Anne B shows us a picture of 6 motifs and gives us pointers on designing our own patterns.

Margaret has been very busy tatting hearts by Sharon Briggs and Ruth Perry. She tatted these for a friend for her mom's birthday. Such a lot of beautiful work.


Moni has tatted motifs 8 - 13. 8 and 9 are snowflakes and she thinks they show definite improvement. #10 is a Christmas tree and #11 is two teddy bears. #12 is a pretty beaded necklace and #13 is a pink bookmark.

Wally has tatted a lovely, floral bookmark of her own design. It is so pretty!

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