Ruth has tatted a "Silly Yak" that Esther Paris designed. Homer the Silly Yak is the mascot of the Celiac support group.
Jon has a local needlecraft store that has started stocking Olympus threads and she's having a great time working with them. See the beautiful ornaments she has made.
Leonore English did a snowflake with hairpin lace and Meme has added the Spanish translation for the design to her blog.

Laura is working on her pyramid mat but she's changing her ideas as she works. It will be interesting to see how it turns out.

Barbara has added 2 more motives to her collection, both designed by Lisa C Trumble and tatted with Anchor variegated 20thread. It won't be long now until we see them all on the pashmina.

Carol finished her exquisite grapevine doily in time to enter it in the fair along with her other creative designs. Now the suspenseful wait to see if she wins anything.

Bhavani took on the 25 Motif Challenge and started working on her tatting right away, then her husband got transferred out of state, and their new home isn't ready yet so they are living out of boxes and at the same time they've had to take their son to various engineering schools for entrance exams. When things settle down a little she'll be able to post more regularly.
Charlene has posted some pictures on how to close a split ring in needle tatting. A third hand is sometimes convenient when you are trying to do a hand craft and take pictures of it at the same time. She has also been tatting some critters, Jane Eborall's lobster and Martha Ess' frog. Both Jane and Martha will be at the Palmetto's Tat days September 7th and 8th.
Charlene has posted some pictures on how to close a split ring in needle tatting. A third hand is sometimes convenient when you are trying to do a hand craft and take pictures of it at the same time. She has also been tatting some critters, Jane Eborall's lobster and Martha Ess' frog. Both Jane and Martha will be at the Palmetto's Tat days September 7th and 8th.

Sylvia has been away on vacation but didn't forget her shuttles. She has posted a picture of a scarf she did for one of her doll house dolls using Mary Konior's "Midnight" design in size 80 thread. The other article posted is a picture of a celtic design she created and mounted in a ring using invisible thread. The design was made using Altin Basak thread.

Melissa posted a link to the free online magazine called Victoriana Magazine. She is working on another quilt block, this one is white on white.
Sherry is working on a fancier edging, this one is the "Bo Peep" pattern from Mary Konior's Tatting with Visual Patterns. She just might keep this one. Sherry has also been tatting some covered button designs that she just might include in her upcoming book.
Wendy has had the draw for her blogiversary and has offered another article fro those who post a comment on her blog. Wendy has also provided the pattern for a crocheted hexagonal "square" that she will use in an afghan.

Anne has started a flower blog and shows some pictures of some lovely orchids. Since she wasn't busy enough, she has stared to knit a tablecloth, a cotton top and a mystery stole. Well, we know what Anne's going to be doing for the next little while.
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