Ruth finger tatted Martha's remembrance ribbon in Anchor Pearl 12 she got at Spokane. Ruth's Sunflower and Violets are only a memory since her grandson helpfully salvaged the beads for her. She hopes to reproduce it from memory and the old photo she has of it. The Beaded Centre Flower uses the technique she taught at Spokane with rings thrown off and a stem with leaves. The triangle motif has so many possibilities.

Clyde is proud of his daughter who has finished high school and will soon be off to university.
Sharon has been doing some embroidery.
Terry hasn't updated her blog, but she does have a new book out called, "Thirteen Bell Patterns". You can contact Terry to get your copy of the book for $13.00 including shipping
anywhere in the US and $15.00 including shipping outside the US. You can reach Terry by email for more information.
Carol entered a number of the projects we have seen on her blog into the local fair. She came away with so many well deserved ribbons that it's a wonder there were any ribbons left for anyone else.

I blinked and look what Sylvia has done. First of all she shows us a picture of her very elegant little lady complete with her tatting edged frock with it's teeny tiny tatted jabot and sophisticated tatted stole. The doll's house tea shop has miniature crocheted tableclothes done by Sylvia's daughter using sewing thread. The little 4 inch doll has a pretty tatted border on her skirt and she's carrying a tatted parasol made from a cocktail umbrella. Sylvia also shared pictures of the tatted motives they did at the Tatting Day where they explored many different ways of utilizing picots culminating with this intriguing specimen. Be sure and check out all of the lovely eye candy on her blog.

Sherry had an opportunity to teach her mother to tat. She used some yarn and a Tatsy shuttle so her mother could clearly see what was happening and now she's hoping her mother will keep it up. Sherry has also created something unique using a box of pearls and the second half of a doublestitch to create this necklace.

Over the weekend Wendy crocheted a bunch of hexes and shares the pattern for it on her blog. She has been working on her tatting during the move and this delightful pile of pink froth is about 3 yards of luscious lace.

Anne has put aside some of the heavier knitted items due to the warmer weather but she's been keeping up with the mystery stole. It's called a mystery stole because you get the pattern one piece at a time and you don't know what it will look like until you get the last piece of the pattern. Tatting motif 8 is a quick one. It's pretty too.

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