Ruth has been tatting more stars again. First of all she has created a purple and white celtic star with a twisted cord tassel. That's a quick way to finish off a bookmark. She's also done another celtic butterfly, and this one has 3 beads at the tips of the wings which makes it look even more like a butterfly.
Gail has posted a picture of an orchid she has had for 2 years waiting to finally get this awesome flower.
Arlene lost some stuff when she revamped her blog. SO now she has to do a little re-organizing. She's still working on doilies but tatted nativity scenes and tatted towns have captured her attention.
Mark is leaving for 2 weeks of fresh mountain air, but he'll be taking his camera and his tatting shuttles with him.
Jon received a gift of a lovely bourse (purse) and she has filled it with her shuttles and current WIP. She has photographed it sitting on the crocheted tablecloth that is also a WIP. Gorgeous stuff, all of it.

EeKoon has updated her wish list, is it my imagination or does this list just keep getting longer?
Marilee has posted some more pictures of the wonderful "Encore" earrings she designed. Not only do we get to see this beautiful eye candy, we get to make our own earrings. Marilee has generously posted the pattern for them on her web site. Thank you Marilee, I'm sure there will be lots of encores for this one.

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