Mark found a tiny little charm that is perfect for some tatted miniatures that he has done. Mark is working on a lot of items for the upcoming shows and notes that smaller items sell better than large ones. They've been doing more wedding cakes a delight for the eye as well as the palate. How DO you find time for all these things?
Kathy has re posted more of the motives that she did for the challenge. She wasn't able to continue using her old blog so she has had to move everything to the new blog.
Elizabeth has created another lovely design that is beautiful in it's simplicity using what she calls a twisted stitch. I think another name for it might be a spiral stitch. A zigzag or ricrac stitch is created alternating the first half and second half of the doublestitch for a specified number of stitches.When you use only one half continually the line of the top of the stitch starts to coil around the core thread in a spiral. Whatever it's called it's given a really pretty effect to this design.
Meme hasn't blogged for a while but she has been tatting and she shows us some of the earrings she's done. She had the unfortunate experience with one of her creations, the thread came undone after she was finished. Some people secure the knots at the ends of wearable items like bracelets, necklaces, and earrings with a tiny drop of glue or clear nail polish.

Laura finished her daughter's wedding hanky and I got a sneak peek at it. It's gorgeous and simply elegant.
Charlene's partner received her bookmark and now we have a picture of it. What a cute idea to tie beads on the tail. I love doing bookmarks but hate the time it takes to make the tassels. It always feels like they take more time than the tatting.
Sherry has been honoured as one of the Idaho artists in the Etsy Treasury. Congratulations Sherry.
Wendy has been collecting vintage threads and often finds lengths of edgings stored inside the balls. These are some of her collected threads.

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