Arlene has tatted one Iris Niebach's designs called Cornelia and that finished her 25 Motives. Only now she's addicted to tatting motives and wondering if she should tat 25 more. OK, we'll be happy to see 25 more!
Clyde designed a little 5 inch doily to coordinate with the large one he just completed. He has again used hand dyed perle 12 cotton from New Zealand. What a perfect compliment to the larger doily.
Mark has been away camping and hiking but he did manage to create this marvelous leaf using pearl tatting over wire. He plans on doing another leaf design and hopes to get some stock built up before the shows later in the year. We're seeing lots of beautiful tatting, but what happened to the geisha?
Sharon shows us what she did with 4 of the motives she designed. They were joined together and had a border added around the outside. This is one of the designs that were in the May Tatted Lace Pattern Collection newsletter. Is the whole greater than the sum of it's parts? I think so.
Laura has almost finished tatting her daughter's wedding hanky, but
she doesn't have a picture to show yet. A fire in her MIL's house has kept her busy. No one was injured but there are extensive repairs to be done.
Charlene has received another exchange bookmark. This one is a lovely daisy design.
Marty has been playing with more buttons and thread combinations and designs. Wow! You should see all the bookmarks she has come up with.
Melissa used the circular edging to embellish a pin cushion and topped it off with alternating pearl beads and silk ribbon embroidery roses. It's very Victorian and very elegant.
Sherry has posted an updated map showing where all of her shuttles have gone. Her personal goal is to have a shuttle in every state.
Wendy has joined the challenge and will be doing a lot of edgings because she wants to have lace available to use with projects. What projects? Wendy has just launched her online store -
Vintage Threads and she a variety of hand made articles available such as baby items, head wraps, doll quilts, ornaments, pincushions using vintage materials and threads. Check out the gorgeous baby cap and fairy wings she did for her daughter. Wendy has already done a selection of edgings for the challenge and you'll want to take a minute and browse through her blog and web site as there's lots to see.

Geisha Koito is still sitting in my desk drawer waiting to be finished. I have the lower part of the kimono to start. Then will come all the pretty little flowers to decorate the kimono. It will be an ongoing project when I get certain other projects done. You know how that goes ;)
Dear Sharon!
I would very much like to join this challenge, if it still is possible? My blog is at All the entries so far are in Norwegian, but entries for the 25 motif challenge will have a summary in English and a 25 motif challenge tag.
Best AnneB (aka Soluranne at Here-Be-Tatters)
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