Best of all to celebrate her 100th post Ellen is having a giveaway with some tatting treats, be sure to visit her blog for details.

Aileen has joined a bunch of new tatting clubs. The first is the group that has tatted Jon's Quantiesque Snowflake. She has also joined the tatting space challenge be sure to check out her blog to find out the details about Aileens tatting space and some of her favorite tatting things.
Martha has information posted on her blog about the Fringe Element Tat Days Conference September 25 and 26 in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.
TattingChic has posted about what is in her work basket and about Work Basket magazines that have been given to her. She also shows us her special box that holds her collection of Work Basket Magazines that her Grandpa made for her Grandma.
Wally is asking for everyone's opinion about what to do with the bad, evil picot.
1 comment:
Hello! I am here to join the challenge. You can find a picture of my motif #1- a little buterfly- here:
This looks like a lot of fun- and a good excuse to keep up with my tatting!
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