Patricia has been very busy and has completed 6 more motifs for her 25 motif challenge. #8 She was playing around with creating different rounds. #9 is the “eight inch doily” from Easy Tatting by Rozella Linden. #10 is a variation of the Lacy Square and #11 is the Lacy Square also from Easy Tatting. #12 is the Oval Doily from Tatting Collage by Lindsay Rogers. #13 Was supposed to be a circle but didn’t work out mathematically, so it became a fan.

Steph is welcoming spring with some tatting. She has tatted her 19th Easter Egg from the book Tatted Easter Eggs in Altin Basik thread and has tatted a butterfly from the pattern by Edda Guastalla and can be found on Georgia Seitz's awesome website.

Vinnie is using a motif of her own design that was the homework for the Design-Tat group as motif #21 for the challenge. She has also fallen in love with a simple swan pattern.

Wanda has returned to the world of tatting after having to take a break because she was to busy. She says she was just doodling but I think the result it really nice.

Carolyn is nearing completion of her 25 motif challenge with motif 23 called Lacy Bookmark.

Nita is using a motif that she designed for the design-tat group as motif #9 for the challenge. Very nice design Nita.
Diane has been busy and her first item is a bookmark adapted from tatted edge #2 from A Tatter's Workbook her second item is the second pattern from The Tatted Artistry of Teiko Fujito

Diane has been busy and her first item is a bookmark adapted from tatted edge #2 from A Tatter's Workbook her second item is the second pattern from The Tatted Artistry of Teiko Fujito

Wally has been very busy doing homework. She had the Rose Heart for the online class, a doily for the Spanish speaking tatting group and a motif for the design-tat group.

1 comment:
I would like to join the challenge.
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