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Round Robin and have not received an email from me please let me know. If you did receive the email, please know that I need responses back from everyone before I can send out group information. Please respond as soon as you can.
Elizabeth had plans to work this necklace one way but it started going off in another direction so she had a change of plans. The thread is Marilee's "Rhurbarb Pie".
Margaret has had to change her blog address and adds this lovely cross to her motives.
Mortaine joined the TIAS challenge and completed a very respectable hippo for a beginner. She joined a bracelet swap and was nearly finished her bracelet when the thread came untied and her ring opened up. Hands up everyone who's had that happen.

Gina tatted this motif from the Japanese book "Tatting" by Yusai Shokoin she's not sure if she's going to use it on the bag she plans to make.
Arlene has sent her hearts out to her partners. The patterns are "To my hearts content" by Teri Dusenbury, and Pineapple split ring heart by Sherry Matthews.
Clyde is working on designing a doily in size 80 thread so it's going to take a while.
Laura has created a unique design by crocheting a rose centre and adding tatted leaves and stem. Isn't it gorgeous?
Wally has been sick with bronchitis and had to be taken to the hospital but she managed to tat Jane's TIAS hippo. Wally has an assortment of designs that are in need of naming so she has added a poll to her blog to selct possible names for the motives. Her most recent design in green and white incorporates block tatting and she thinks she might name this one "The Princess' Peas".

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