Meme participated in the exchange hosted by Mary Donohue and these are the amulet bags she received. The first one was from Carolyn and used a ring and chain design with beads. The second was from Lai Ellen and it looks like Diana Stevens' Set Stitch Necklace Bag pattern.
These exchanges are just one more way that all of us tatters world wide are joined together.
Bhavani joined an arched chain along the edge of a hanky for a beautiful but simple edging. The pattern for making this edging is shown on her blog.
Wendy has posted a daily listing of handmade gifts for the holidays with links. There's lot of food for thought here.
Sarah's book has received an excellent review of Knitters Review. She's been looking forward to making some things in a favourite magazines just out, but things have been stalled due to illness.
Iris was playing with thread and beads and got this unexpected design that will be in her new book. I wish my unexpected designs looked as good as this. Mine usually end up in the garbage can.
Diane is tatting Design #1 from page 7 of Tatting: 60 Original Lace Treasures by Christel Weidmann. The thread is Yarnplayer's "Summer Trail" size 50 but she didn't use the 1/4 inch spacing suggested and she's going to keep working to see how it turns out.
Kelly worked on her embroidery while she handed out candy for Halloween and while she received many lovely comments she was saddened that one of the little girls who came to her door asked her if she was knitting. Most of us dabble in several fibre arts often following in the steps of older family members. How sad it is for children growing up in "craft-less" families. Among the UFOs Kelly has is a quilt made up of embroidered white flour sack dishcloths. She spread it out on the floor to take a look at it and enjoyed an afternoon's amusement as the cats played on it.
Carol posted a picture of Calila and Miranda, tatted for her last year by Sherry. Check out her Halloween garb in her avatar photo, bat mask, bat necklace, bat dog, bat pumpkin….

Melissa asked for some clarification of the tatting instructions in a Workbasket pattern and
Ruth worked up this segment to be able to explain it more clearly.
Tatting Podcast Episode 1 was published today. Cogratulations Ruth!

Take a look at
Mark in his "Cirque de Soleil" inspired costume. I can't believe he actually wore it to work.
I posted pictures of some unfinished works in progress.
Laura had to do just one more tatted leaf. This one was made with DMC size 80 and she thinks it's just the cutest little thing. The Daisy picot snowflake is from Jon's blog and Laura found following her instructions made it easy to learn this technique.The purple thread is DMC Cebelia size 20 and the green is Flora size 20.

These are some of
Marty's trial butterflies. They all look like the have possibilities to me. I love the first one. I can see top and bottom wing on the left. It just needs a body instead of a blob in the middle and the wings done mirror image on the right. You should see what my OOPS tatting looks like!
Melissa has done an adorable little embroidered purse as a Christmas gift.
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