It's been a while tatting friends and it will be a while longer before I can get fully caught up. I have had to devote my time to doing paperwork for the pending court case in regard to the car accident 2 years ago. I started updating and there was such a lot to cover that it took me 3 days just getting everything together. I have updated to November 24th and I realize there are more new items to post, but if I don't work by date I'm sure to miss something, so here it is. I'll pick up from the 25th forward when I do the next post.
Margaret decided to add tatting to her repertoire of fibre arts and joins the challenge with some pieces that she did at the Fringe Element gathering in Ayr Ontario. Once she had some basic pieces under her belt she took off tatting the snowman from Monica Hahn's book Christmas Angels and Other Tatting Patterns. One head done, one body to come.

Elizabeth has been tatting lots of things to fill orders, mostly copies of things already posted, but no pictures to show until after Thanksgiving. Lots of kitty pictures though.
Meme has posted pictures of the amulet bags she did for the September exchange, both done in DMC thread. She mailed them off without taking pictures because the battery in the notebook died. Fortunately her partners scanned them for her. Aren't they lovely? The Christmas colours of red and green were used for this centre motif from the design on the cover of Iris Niebach's book.

EeKoon has been silent for a while, but she's been stitching away at several projects which are nearing completion.
Pamela has been tatting lots of dragons designed by Martha Ess. The large one done in Flora size 10 and the smaller versions done in Flora size 20.

Sylvia has been working at moving all of her images from her old blog on to Blogger. She'll pick up the challenge where she left off.

Anne has 2 more knitting projects on the go, a shawl and a hood. She tatted design by Lene Bjørn in both Aida 10 and DMC 80. What a huge difference thread size makes!

Connie has posted a snow flurry of crocheted snowflakes done for a friend's business. The open centres will have other hanging bits added to them. Just imagine these with sparkly bits hung on a tree.
Iris has created an olive necklace and she had a difficult time finding bead colours that were compatible. The thumbnail on the blog doesn't do it justice, so if you really want to see it click on the picture in her blog.

Bob tatted another tree, but this one is full of lovely fall colour leaves in cluny tatting. Is this going to be a 4 seasons design with all of them mounted together?

Bev tatted Mary Konior's Reflection in a Vintage J & P Coats thread that didn't give a size but appears to be about size 20. It was mounted on a card and sent to Mary. Jane Eborall's elephant was done in size 30 Omega. The yellow and white motif is from Christel Weidmann's Tatting: 60 original Lace Treasures tatted in DMC size 10. Valdani no. 12 in variegated blues was used for another of Christel's designs. Bright Copper and blue Valdani were used for Christel's Design #8 that Bev wants to try again with a larger thread. Bev posted a picture of Elgiva Nicholls and she's wondering if anyone knows anything more about it. The other picture is of Bev and her daughter who dropped in for a surprise visit.

Mary has tatted so many lovely things Ruth's fancy snowflake from her book Easy Tatting which she used to teach her granddaughter Meagan how to follow a pattern, then Marilee's Carnival Earrings pattern using Marilee's hand dyed threads, Sharren Morgan's Double Petal Flower Earrings (Meagan did one too) and a new earring design called Half hearted. Mary used more of Marilee's hand dyed thread for a very beady version of Sharren Morgan's earring and she describes how she attaches a post style finding. The butterfly from Sherry Pence's new book The Exquisite Collection of Tatted Butterflies was used to adorn her grandson's card.

Ruth posts a delicate one row snowflake made with 2 shuttles that's a variation of the design she uses for doll house doilies. The Sweet Christmas edging folded over a bangle bracelet, makes a Christmas wreath, but it needs a little something hung in the centre. The bare threads cross over and under each other in a Celtic latticework in the Twisted Snowflake. She unearthed another snowflake design done last year. This beaded eight sided snowflake was designed to go inside the wreath, but it's a bit too big. She has included the pattern for this one on her blog. T. Gobbler Swoop the Tatted Turkey has been turned into a jigsaw puzzle for us to enjoy.

Mark had a great time at the Living Lace of Omaha event and picked up some Valdani threads and some bobbin lace supplies. He was commissioned to make a 2 inch heart and "Millefiore” tatted in Oliver Twist in variegated purples and blues is the result.

Snowy has tatted her own set of sample motives the smallest of which was done with Valdani thread and the largest some hand dyed thread given to her by a friend. She used Valdani 50 "precious pansies" and King Tut "shekels" to make the Jon's Daisy Picot Snowflake.

Laura has been tatting a colourful flurry of snowflakes. She tatted one of Jane Eborall's patterns in DMC Cebelia size 20 with iridescent seed beads. The Flutterflake pattern by Emma Crew was tatted using DMC size 80 for the butterflies and the white is DMC size 20 Cebelia. She has Denise Munoz's book Snowflake roses which all have the same centre rose motif and she has been making them in Flora size 20.

Dawn has been working at creating a tatted horse. Her first draft is here using up the thread aalready on her shuttles. It looks pretty good for a first draft. The daffodil doily from a Workbasket pattern is done in yellow and blue varagated threads from Rubi Brillante size 10/2. The rose doily is done in a pale yellow #1061 and red #932 sulky threads size 30 and is a Myrtle M. Hamilton design also from Workbasket. In between tatting projects Dawn has been doing cross stitch.

Marty has been hard at work designing butterflies. Butterfly 4 tatted in yellow Cebelia size 30 is in profile although that's not the way it started. The next design trial was also done in Cebelia 30 with the final one in Coats pastels quilting thread. Marty thinks it might be too square looking so she had another try using Coats jewel tones quilting thread but it looked too skinny in the middle, so she tried again. They all look good to me

Melissa has been busy embellishing a lot of Christmas gifts with embroidery, applique and tatting. She added tatting and some silk ribbon embroidery to a velvet perfume case and she tatted the Clover Drop Heart in variegated Rubi Perle cotton which is a bit fuzzy but Melissa thinks it makes it look softer.

Sherry tried dying her own threads patriotic red white blue and gold orange brown. The cross is "Heritage Cross" by Dee Powell in size 80 thread. The critter picture she shares is a praying mantis that hs been hanging around her front porch for a while. 

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