Have you noticed how many of our participants have Etsy shops? It's a great way to get exposure for hand crafted items, since the buyers are looking for hand made goods and not mass produced merchandise.
Gail has been knitting and using mismatched dye lots to their best advantage. If she hadn't said anything I would have thought it was planned.
Clyde has more pictures of plant mosaics in his photo album.
Elizabeth has just finished a busy tax season and now that it's over she's had time to open an Etsy shop. See all the lovely items she has for sale.

Sherry has been having an interesting time in her shop. In the midst of shaking up some glaze for a pot, it exploded - the glaze not the pot. There are some more mugs with tatting designs on them added to her Etsy shop and in her "spare" time Sherry created this cluny bookmark to be used in the online class.

there is a small group on flickr I thought since you where talking about promoting tatting maybe some would like to promote this group and make it bigger. I am not the admin of the group just a member and would love to see more stuff happen there.
what are the rules and how does one join this challenge
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