Ruth will be teaching this cute little bird at the
Shuttlebirds Workshop. Does that mean there will be a whole flock of birds when the class is over? Ruth has posted more details about the workshop on her blog.

Like many of us in Southern Ontario
Clyde spent Valentine's day digging out from under the snow. He still managed to find time to post this motif done in a gorgeous
Valdani thread Pearl Cotton #12 colour M360. The pattern is his variation of a pattern from Tatting Patterns and Design by Gun
Blomqvist and
Elwy Persson called Star#1.
Mark has posted 2 variations of a heart that he did for his wife to go with a card. The heart features a rosette, split rings and half ring braid. He has plans for a romantic evening with his wife, and we're sure she'll love the card.

Congratulations to
Jon who has completed the challenge and made her 25 motives. The last of her 25 is a square doily made from the bottom up and then finished off with an outer round, very clever. Jon was wondering if she could come up with some designs of her own for
the challenge and
surprised herself that 24 of her 25 were her own original patterns. For Valentine's day she designed Hearts Snowflake so now she has her 25 original designs ans she's wondering what's next. That's easy, now you document them all and publish.
Riet has posted some lovely hearts for Valentine's day. The smaller ones were done in different sizes of thread and the larger ones are a design she uses as a bookmark. Such a wonderful grouping of hearts. It's so pretty.

For Valentine's day
Sharon has posted a pattern for some heart shaped earrings she did a while ago.
EeKoon has been working on some wonderful stitching. There's a huge amount of work in these pieces.
Carol had a very snowy Valentine's day and was forced to stay in and tat. Nice. The 15
th is her birthday and she has posted some of the hearts she received in exchanges. Look at all the pretties.

Dawn has posted a design of crocheted motives with a tatted edging. Very attractive. On my to do list is an exploration of combined tatting and crochet. Kim
Millar did a number of designs using both techniques and they were really beautiful.
Charlene posted a link to a friends blog with an explanation for
UFO's. Interesting philosophy.
Sylvia has posted several new motives. The first is a pattern by Jennifer Williams from the
RoT spring 2006 newsletter done in Perfect Quilter Thread from the Superior Thread Company. Sylvia cleverly stretched this lovely thread by using a similar size thread as the core thread. Her next motif is a candle done in Omega size 30 and a flower motif from Mary Maynard's design book, Rings of Flowers done in
Hakelgarn size 20. Sylvia knows what she wants to film, but her camera doesn't see things the way she wants.
Eliz posts a picture of her tatting basket that used to belong to her husband's aunt. Lots of room for tatting supplies in here. Her motif for the day is Rosemary Peel's heart from the Online tatting class. The other pictures she has posted are a collection of UFOs that she finished off and blocked.

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