Ruth shows us the cover of an antique Delineator magazine. 1892 is waaayyyy before my time. Check out the covers of this magazine through the ages. It's a real snapshot of changing styles and in some ways changing attitudes. A modern version of one of the designs from the magazine is today's pattern for the Tatting Pattern Calendar.

Gail shares a picture of some of her collection of tatting shuttles. It almost makes me wish I used post style shuttles just so I could collect some of my own. Gail was wondering why the large bone crochet hook screws together in the middle. I'll bet it fit into a smaller case and separated for storage.

Mark completed the motif he was working on and used Photoshop to show a couple of variations on the design.

Eliizabeth adapted a design from Jan Stawasz's book, "Tatting: theory and patterns." to create a wonderful necklace. It is made with a variegated thread called "Silken Pearl" (the flower section) and DMC Cebelia (the stem and leaf section).

Carol has created a sort of "minty" butterfly. She calls this one a Buttermint Monarch and it looks really yummy.
LaRae's Wordless Wednesday post is an ice encrusted branch.
This is great info to know.
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