Petite tatted a motif called Ringlets which she enjoyed tatting so much she did it in Lizbeth 'Denim Whisper', 'Leaf Swirl' in size 20 and Olympus 'white_pastel pink' size 40. She's not sure what the source of the pattern is.

Kkommy only had one available shuttle so she chose to tat the cross from Tatting with Visual Patterns by Mary Konior. Then at lunch time she started the Dragon Wing Doily by Anne Bruvold just because it looked like a fun tat.

Ingrid is tatting an edging in Durable cotton from the book: Frivolité by Gisela Graff-Höfgen which she plans to send to a friend, who can use it to embellish a card.
Sue tatted one of Ellen Lai's enchanting paperclip designs, this one is a pair of hearts, in Lizbeth size 40 Sherbert Delight. Ellen creates such wonderfully simple designs for things like this, that make me wish I'd thought of them.
Agasunset saw some shoes with fringes and she shows you how you can make something similar and decorate it with tatting.
Marty won a second place ribbon for Julie Patterson's "Hearts and Flower Cross Bookmark " with a pearl tatted tail and a split ring cross in place of a tassel.

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