Paige has a couple more bookmarks off the blocking board. Her current work in progress is Masquerade tatted in Lizbeth size 20 Spring Garden out of Mary Konior's Tatting with Visual Patterns. She tatted up this little flower using three colors and two strands of each color of embroidery thread. She has a container of finished pieces and is wondering if she should open an Etsy shop to clear it out. 

Kat has tatted Stumpy by Kersti Anear in size 10 Lizbeth Purple Splendor.
Sue's new tatting buddy is Tangerine a ty Beany Boo helping her here as she works on the Loop-di-Loop doily. She successfully completed the second round of the Fisherman's Net Doily, but after seeing the finer threads at the lace group she might do it again in something finer. 
Agasunset tatted a vintage square motif, and did another thinking that it would make a nice bracelet design. It wasn't quite long enough so she added a bit to the middle and attached a large bead in the centre.
Isabel has been making FLYING RINGS, a technique created by her friend Schwarino although it looks like a familiar effect, without knowing how it's constructed it's hard to say.
Bev used Size 40 HDT in Garden Path by Zarina for this edging and now all she has too do is sew it on. She made the pendant designed by Yarnplayer in Lizbeth white with Nectarine HDT rose in center for the In Tatters exchange. I didn't realize that Bev has also been posting to the 25 Companion blog and I missed several earlier entries including Rosemarie Peel's May edging tatted in size 50, Himalayan Poppy, with a white grosgrain ribbon and a small leaf charm added to make a bookmark. The heart design from Heirloom Treasures tatted with Lavender Orchid and Vanilla Sky HDT in size 50. She finished her 25 motifs with a Mary Konior edging in an HDT Silk thread by LadyShuttlemaker.

Fox has a new beaded motif to give her 4 year old grandson who is fascinated with her tatting, it's in his favourite colour, blue.
Krystle has been needle tatting in size 10 thread to get these pink flowers done for the headband. She found needle tatting a better choice for this particular design. The smaller flower was made with size 20 thread.
Martha's test tatters have been tantalizing us with pieces from her new book which need a little tweaking. It's planned release date is August and in the interim Martha has been playing with this:
Marty tatted "Cornelia" from Iris Niebach's Tatted Doilies in Lizbeth size 20 Jellybean and a matching green. She doesn't like how it turned out because the green in the variegated thread too closely matches the solid green. I like how it looks, but I see her point.

Shirl was waiting for an appointment and tatted 4 bookmarks, 2 using Lizbeth Spring Green 680 in size 10, 1 in Lizbeth color 691 in size 20, and 1 in Lizbeth Med. blue 651 in size 20. The blue bookmark was immediately sold to the lady who was watching her work.

Shirl was waiting for an appointment and tatted 4 bookmarks, 2 using Lizbeth Spring Green 680 in size 10, 1 in Lizbeth color 691 in size 20, and 1 in Lizbeth Med. blue 651 in size 20. The blue bookmark was immediately sold to the lady who was watching her work.

Si, se parece a Daisy picot..... realmente fue una casualidad.... se equivocó al intentar hacer DAISY PICOT, se equivoco al hacerla y le resultó una nueva técnica....
Yes, it looks like Daisy picot ..... really was a fluke .... was wrong to try to make DAISY PICOT, was wrong to do it and he found a new technique ....
El efecto del FLYING RING, el centro es como el DAISY PICOT, pero el efecto es 3D....
The effect of FLYING RING, the center is like the DAISY PICOT, but the effect is 3D ....
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