One of the drawbacks of tatting is that it is time consuming and one of the benefits of this challenge is that it encourages people to keep tatting. Many of the folks who started thinking 25 was an enormous amount of tatting, have finished 25 motives and started 25 more. Along the way their skills have developed, as has their exposure to other peoples tatting and their introduction to new patterns, threads, and techniques. Several of the participants have been encouraged not only to tat, but to create their own thread colours and design their own patterns. Now we are seeing some of these tatters go on to produce their own tatting books. Isn't it amazing how much we can encourage one another just by participating in something as simple as this challenge?
Elizabeth has noticed a growing trend at the craft shows she attends of people who no longer associate tatting with something their elder relatives used to do.
Anne has been travelling without her computer so she hasn't pictures to post although she has completed a tatted doily. She's wondering why packages keep appearing on her doorstep…..I'll bet we can guess.

Sapna has been tatting bookmarks. A LOT of bookmarks. She used Kersti's pattern and worked them all in beautiful Hand Dyed Threads. Iris Neibach's doily, Stella Alpina from her book "Fantasia" was tatted in a single day.

Iris' new book "Just for Fun" is now available from Lacis.

Bob has his next round robin project done and he shares the pattern for this split ring RicRac bookmark.

Jon has just printed her first book "Snowflakes Collection". There is ordering information on her blog.
Martha -Pics from Hector
Gina -Lots of pics from Hector
Well said, Sharon! I know my skills have improved as a result of participating in the challenge, and I love seeing how other tatters have been inspired!
So many lovely tatted objects, so few words to describe them. Thank you all for sharing them.
Your compilation does give us inspiration to tat. Thank you for adding me - I needed that.
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