ADMINISTRATION NOTE:It's wonderful that we can all share our love of tatting, but there are cretins that will use this public forum to advertise their non tatting related web sites by posting a link in the comments. You should not have to be subjected to such crass behaviour and those comments will be deleted. To make this a more enjoyable site so that people can freely post their comments with the least amount of trouble on their part I have not made the comments moderated. If necessary I may put comments on moderation to avoid the problem in future.
Riet test tatted Ruth's celtic angel and besides being a really pretty angel, the threat ends could be tied in a bow so there were no ends to hide. Riet also translated Diane's TIAS tulip for her guild so they could join in the fun.

Kate has posted a picture for the first of April of some tatting she did with invisible thread. The motives, like the thread, are invisible.
Aileen has finished the beaded bag from one of the Japanese books and it came out perfect without any blocking at all. The little bag is the perfect size to hold a ball of thread while you're tatting.
Bonnie spent International Tatting Day aka April 1st tatting although she missed out on eating chocolate, but she DID get to use her new LadyShuttleMaker shuttle.
Joy tatted a Christmas tree from A New Twist on Tatting for the round robin. She thinks this design would look good done in solid green with beads and a star bead at the top. I think it would too. The butterfly from the Workbasket magazine was a great tatting time quick fix.

Carol L. tatted this cat pattern by Diane Howe which makes a terrific bookmark and the kids just love it. I'll bet the adults love it too. Carol also tatted the butterfly from the Workbasket magazine and used it to decorate some note paper.

Diane has been using a Tatsy shuttle while she is working with larger threads and gaining an appreciation for it. These pieces are intended for a new spring purse.
Arlene is currently working on bookmarks and this is the one she did on International Tatting Day.
Clyde used International Tatting Day to start an 18 inch doily in size 80 Hand Dyed Thread.
Jon celebrated International Tatting Day by working on Laura's Victorian Heart, but she forgot the outward ring at the bottom of the heart. It still looks pretty.
I'm slowly getting caught up. The last newsletter included something I've want to try for a long time, a tatted rose from a petit point chart. Now that it's done I'm not sure what I want to do with it.
Laura has tatted the same snowflake with slight variations and used Sherry's Fuchsia in size 20 on the outer rings and Flora size 20 for the other colours so that this one reminds her of a Ferris Wheel.
Marty got her TIAS tulip done and scanned. She used DMC size 80 in peach and added an ombre green stem. How big is it in size 80? It looks perfect for a lapel pin or baby things or as just a touch of colour on collar points or a pocket patch.
Sherry has a new favourite shuttle and it holds a whole LOT of thread and is still comfortable to work with. There's a note n Sherry's blog about the Tatted Ring of Bloggers. It looks like we all need to make a slight adjustment for the ring to work as planned.
Gina has a mystery motif for folks to puzzle out. Just so that you all know, I am not bringing all of Gina's tatting into the challenge blog. Folks that know Gina know that she is both and accomplished tatter and a prolific blogger, mostly about tatting and it just doesn't make sense to continually re post most of what's on her blog. I mentioned this to Gina when she joined the challenge, but just so that no one thinks I'm slighting Gina when I don't post about what she has done here, now you know.
Yeah....there are some real "doozies" out there...that is why I moderate my comments...although it doesn't happen often, I too get the occasional advertisement!
Hi Sharon! This is my first comment here on your blog. Err.. can I join the challenge too?
I am a beginner and I am still learning.Reading about so many tatters tatting away on your blog has motivated me to keep tatting no matter how many times I go wrong. I just finished my first motif and would like to try n make as many more as I can.
My name is Ais and I blog at
One question: do I have to make a different motif every time or can I remake some of the stuff I have already done?
Eager to tat,
Hi, Sharon. My recommendation is to go to moderated comments now, not later. If one spammer has found your unmoderated comments, others will surely follow. They are like fleas. Messages saying "I'll moderate if I have to!" do nothing to deter these leeches.
Blogger has a Captcha (visual verification) option to help prevent comment spam (it's somewhat effective), but it's a pain for visually impaired readers.
Hey Sharon, it's so kind of you to mention me and for the record, I've never felt slighted. I come here often to see what everyone else is up to. You do a fabulous job of summarizing what is going on.
:-) Gina
It looks like everyone is having so much fun tatting this challenge. I want to join in on the fun once my life settles down.
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