Elizabeth has been doing this original cross design for years although the beaded version is a more recent adaptation.

Wendy continues to post daily tutorials on ornaments to make for an advent calendar. She has the stitches out and the prognosis is that the precancerous cells have all been removed. The children in her girl's school are collecting toys for the local Women's and Children's crisis centre. Her girls worked for the money to buy the supplies and Mom crafted hand made bears. Exchange items have also been posted and it looks like a delightful grouping of articles.
Anne's Christmas shawl is growing little by little and the hood is almost done. She's been having fun with some more paper folding projects as well.
Laurie has been using up stash to finish off some pieces that have been in the works for a very long time, but before she had an opportunity to blog about it her new laptop bit the dust. Bummer! Maybe if she can get her computer to co-operate she can post some of the other things she has been working on.
Sapna decided to take the motif she made and turn it into a necklace and earring set.

Bob created a delicate little doily and shares the pattern with us. The Christmas tree from the Ring of Tatters newsletter was tatted with some sparkly stuff from his wife's sewing box. The final result is pretty but it wasn't fun to work with.

Kelly has been tatting, er not tatting, well she has been tatting a little bit but not enough to have pictures to show. She hasn't yet mastered the fine art of watching television and tatting at the same time. I think that may be one of the reasons I like designing, I don't have to follow an already existing pattern while I'm watching the boob tube.
Kate is marvelling at the advances in computer technology. It is mind boggling
Mary has been tatting a lot of the Christmas tree pattern by Maus. She did it in variegated thread and beads, Then she switched threads and tried it again Then she changed colours again and tatted it with even more beads and a different variegated thread. On the fourth try she switched to a solid Christmas green and a lot of gold beads. They all look gorgeous.

Carol's gingerbread house is coming along nicely and she has an assortment of candy decorations done. Candy canes, gum drops, lollipops and candy kisses, yum!

Clyde tatted Nancy Tracy's design called Mom's Pink Doily and took a while doing it as he was watching Planet Earth.

Laura has been tatting a colourful snowdrift of snowflakes. She used Marilee's Rhubarb Crisp and a yellow DMC as a core thread to make the lovely hand dyed thread go farther. The addition of Pink for the outer round is brilliant as the colours go so well together. Sherry's hand dyed Berries and Cream made a wonderful snowflake. If it were edible is wouldn't last long as it looks scrumptious. Laura found one of her mother's crocheted pieces that has a small bouquet of slightly 3D flowers surrounded by open groundwork wouldn't it look awesome in tatting? Sherry's hand dyed Red Velvet makes a stunning centre for the next snowflake. Rhubarb Crisp for the centre and green Flora for the last two rows on this beauty. How about a Berry's and Cream snowflake? Anyone else getting hungry? Look at how wonderful the white tree looks with all these colourful snowflakes!

Marty's Christmas tree is full of ornaments that have been given to her and ornaments that she has made including 72 satin ornaments covered in tatting. She started designing ornaments to give away, but she did one as a template and then she had to make a second to give so her tree is full of templates.

Sherry's December shuttle is out and is very popular. She was rear ended recently and has been having back pain ever since. While waiting for tests she worked on her T.A.T. program. She found using buttons interesting and she's zooming right through. She used her size 20 "Arctic" hand dyed thread to tat the Cluny Love butterfly from her book the Exquisite Collection of Tatted Butterflies, and her "Grapefruit" size 20 to tat Teri Dusenbury's Heart Blossom design. Gorgeous, all of it.

This is a great update Sharon. And thank you for saying such sweet things about my snowflakes and tree. I'm sooo happy with them! Without all of you designers and the hand dyed threads, where would I be?
Sharon! WOW That was a large post and I know a ton of work on your part! I just wanted to say thank you for all you do and all the time and effort you put in!
Merry Christmas!
Yes, I ditto that! I don't think any of us can thank you enough for what you do!
I enjoy keeping up with all of the wonderful things everyone is doing. Sometimes it gets ahead of me when everyone is tatting lots of treasures, but that's life :-)
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