Mica shares some onion rings with us. Not the ones you can eat but the ones you tat. These are the first couple attempts at onion rings for Mica and she also found doing the Shoe Lace Trick while doing them challenging.

Shirl has tatted some lace for the postcard art challenge that is motif #9 for the 25 motif challenge. Very nice Shirl.

Laura has made some progress on her doily and is enjoying working with the Lizbeth thread that she finds tats up clean and crisp.

Linda has been busy tatting she made a humming bird using a new pattern by Karey Solomon and her group is making crosses using a Elis Davis pattern and then there are a group of crosses tatted by Gina in different size threads.

Krystle has received a bunch of thread for Mother's Day. Four different kinds of HDT from YarnPlayer and some vintage thread from ebay.

Vicki has done a bookmark exchange with a friend in Germany. She tatted Kersti's Stumpy bookmark to send to her friend.

Steph has tatted Singtatter's paperclip butterfly in Autumn Medley and Coral Reef HDT and Adelheid Dangela's Diana in Tutti Frutti HDT.

Vinnie has been very busy and she tatted Jon's Mother's Day Heart for her mother, added some tatting to a bag for her son and she shows us what she made for the design Tat group. It is a beautiful doily surrounded by butterflies. The doily is motif #25 of her challenge. Congratulations Vinnie on completing the challenge and Vinnie like so many others had so much fun doing the challenge that she is going to do it again.

Ancolie wanted to tat a rose without a pattern but after a couple of tries she has decided that she needs a pattern.

Jeanne shows us two crosses she made for her two oldest granddaughters.

Tattingchic has a coworker who is a mom to be so she has tatted a cute pair of booties for the baby. They are motif #3 of her challenge.

Bonnie made a beautiful handkerchief for her Mother for Mother's Day. I am sure she will treasure the tatting.

Aileen has posted pictures of a few items that she has tatted for exchanges in the past little while. They include, Dimpled Ring Angel, Double shuttle Pattern Angel, a decorated yarn holder and two tea towels with a tatted edging.

BJ received a beautiful bookmark tatted by Susanne and she tatted a snake for a young friend of hers.

Diane is starting another Spinning Wheel Glass Mat and is tatting it using Bell Peppers from Lady ShuttleMaker. Diane thinks HDT is the best thread to tat with and I must say I agree with her 100%.

Eva received this beautiful angel from Joyce.

Joy is trying to reproduce Grandma's Flowers in the Garden quilt pattern in tatting and this is what she has designed so far.

Maria's 13th motif is an angel designed by Donato Jones.

Martha has decided to start working on finishing projects that she has started. These two are ones that she took as lessons at Hector.

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