Saturday, July 09, 2011

Butterfly, Motifs, Edgings, and Doilies

Michelle tatted one of the butterflies like those her aunt Rose-E did, but she didn't bother with the hanky. Here is another motif that Rose-E was fond of using and this last one is done in silk and finished on all four corners.

Tattabugg is working on Pam Palmer's Festival Elephant in Lizbeth size 80 threads and already has the blanket section done.
Fox admired a motif that IsDihara was working on that looks like a field of daisies. Imagine her surprise when the motif ended up in her mailbox. There seem to be a lot of edgings happening at Fox's house for a surprise WIP.

Kat has given away most of her tatting, but she just found this picture of Roger's There's that medallion again doily tatted in Lizbeth Victorian Red size 20.

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